1. Always Go Out With Your Identity Card: If you stay in Ikorodu or you are going to Ikorodu and your employer still haven't given you your ID card.. Please, Protest cos it might come in handy in case of 'gobe'.
2. Do Not Go Around Carrying Silly hairstyle or flaunting your weird tattoo : If you have a weird haircut or a tattoo with an inscription 'badoo' just to honor the popular Nigerian musician or you are the type that flaunts your weird tattoo to claim big boy, I will advice you stay clear of Ikorodu for now before you end up becoming "asun".

3. Do Not Dress Indecently: For the sake of your loved ones, those of you in Ikorodu that still sag your trousers, please, travel outside Ikorodu to sag cos you might be walking down the road one day and you will hear someone shout ' badoo,badoo,badoo' and before you know it, you are lynched
4.Do not Stay Out Late: I think this is the most important thing in Ikorodu right now, unless absolutely necessary, do not stay out late because the rate at which Ikorodu residents are hungry for badoo blood ehn, you might just be in the wrong place at night.
5. Pray Before You Go Out: Well, I am not a pastor but I will advice each and everyone of us to pray to whatever God we serve before leaving our houses..
Credit: Freethought
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